Generally speaking, Agile development
works together with relatively
few, very briefly defined specifications in the form of user stories.
Agile’s requirements usually are in the form of user stories, which by definition
are very brief and comparatively
few in the number in keeping with Agile’s focus on just the work
to be done in the near term. User story acceptance QA tests also tend to
be restricted to the small user story, which is closest in scope or
objective to integration software tests.
Agile tends not to devote much attention to software develop.
Instead Agile usually limits its attention to the individual small pieces of code
implementing particular features, often without necessarily addressing the
designhow those features fit together with each other and with other
components. Consequently, typical agile software development often lacks
system QA and testing. Not surprisingly, such lack of develop can
cause agile development upstream difficulties when the individual
features fail QA result to work together adequately overall.
What on earth is the test in a
scenario of Agile application development?
The test strategy and the Agile software development solution
could be very different from the traditional QA/testing.
You must start quality control activities without develop documents
and specs. Test and application development activities are
conducted simultaneously on an agile assignment. This means you'll need
to find a way to start writing test scripts without reports or application
code from development. I've seen more than a few QA testers
implode from the change this represents. I would say about half the time (as a
completely unofficial quote) the QA testers who struggle with
this idea end up quitting and getting a work at a place like Microsoft
where they still do sequential application development.
You is going to be required to work ahead of the current production
cycle to help define acceptance criteria for the user specifications.
The specifications you'll be handed as a team is going to be impossible
to accurately calculate That is not an opinion so much as my and all my
colleagues' experience. Someone will then need to work with the customer
to "right size" the requirements, so they are detailed enough
to calculate without being so detailed as to tell the team the best
way to solve the problem. QA is the natural fit for this task.
You and your team must jettison the objective, there are development
and QA tasks. On an agile project, their requirements, stories,
or requests. Each one of these will have tasks the team must complete
for the item to be considered done. These tasks really need to be
completed by the most logical person on the team, even though that means
a programmer writes test cases or a test analyst writes code.
If you have a situation where people are sitting around or racing ahead
to the next release while others are swamped with work, you're doing it
You will be desired to estimate your task work the
same as anyone else on the team. This one should go without saying, but a lot
of sequential software QA testers have been allowed to simply "test
until we reach the deadline" or plug in some completely random number dependant
on a percentage of what software development has estimated. You
cannot do this on an agile project, or you'll constantly miss your
deadlines. QA has to take ownership of estimating their tasks, by which I mean
the tasks they've agreed to take on since there are no "QA tasks" on
an agile job.
So in summary in agile quality control you is going to be
dealing with:
requirements: Some requirements
will start with a single line description. You, and the rest of the team, have
to take that to working application.
tight feedback cycles:
Something will likely be delivered to test every day.
High levels of automation: more of a
concentrate on "do the right
thing," less on following an established technique. That can make
some people uncomfortable.
the author:
Raj has over 20 years of experience managing Software
testing and QA projects of every size. Visit his website which is
the fastest growing social network on Software testing and QA. You will find
tons of downloads and articles related to Software testing and Quality
assurance there. Also check this one software testing career path explained?
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