Three terrorists were on Friday (July 15) reportedly gunned down in an encounter with the army and Jammu & Kashmir police forces in a house in Lolab area of Kupwara district of the state. Sources said that 1-2 terrorists are still holed up in the house in Maidanpora village, 120 km from Srinagar.
After the army rescued a woman, who was holed up along with the terrorists, a fierce gunbattle broke out.
Army officials confirmed that the woman is safe and has not suffered from any major injuries. Other members of the woman's family had come out earlier.
According to officials, amongst the militants two are said to be commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and are responsible for spreading terror in the state.
After the army rescued a woman, who was holed up along with the terrorists, a fierce gunbattle broke out.
Army officials confirmed that the woman is safe and has not suffered from any major injuries. Other members of the woman's family had come out earlier.
According to officials, amongst the militants two are said to be commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and are responsible for spreading terror in the state.
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